The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2839554
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
15-Feb-10 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Don False: "Yes, GfS, I met two homosexuals who insisted that they had been "cured." But it was plainly obvious to those who knew them much better than I did that the form their "cure" had taken was that they were completely abstaining from sexual activity of any kind, and that they were showing signs of anxiety, depression, and hostility. I was told that they had been reasonably happy....."

You're so misleading, and not even good at it! "You were told..." who? Did you talk to them? NO! I would think that as much as you are a champion of crackpot politicized 'science' that you'd check it out yourself....NOOO!
You also lied and waged a campaign against me and my posts, based on a lie! The lie being homosexuals were 'genetic' and couldn't change over..and the whole time you knew OF two, but just never checked out the story yourself....BECAUSE IT WAS CONTRARY TO YOUR BULLSHIT POLITICS! Which by the way, is, was, or never will be for the interest of individuals..just the masses, who are deceived at distance, you're oblivious to any of their real needs!

"As to the rest of your most recent post, once again I invite people here who have the stomach for it to go back over our posts in both threads and see for themselves who said what."

PLEASE DO!...and you will plainly see that you twist words, quote things out of context, accuse people of bigotry, and hatred, misrepresent what I've said..then 'comment' on your misrepresentation!
You've LIED too many times, and now this time it's out front. You espoused crap, that you knew wasn't even true!....Go back, it for yourself!

I'm not wasting my time trying to find solutions for lies. You and your whole trip is bogus...and its all there for anyone to check it out! Every 'theory', every excuse, every contention has been completely blown out of the water, and you've very adequately discredited yourself.

Remember, you knew of two the whole time!...but never asked them anything!...and certainly not lifting a fucking finger to offer anything for their well-being...because you, like you 'cause' don't give a shit about people!

If you had been honest, we could have had some GREAT stuff going on. Now as it is, everyone got to witness a phony activist being exposed!
See YA!