The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127299   Message #2840481
Posted By: Rowan
15-Feb-10 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Songs about Oz Prime Minister Tony Abbott
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: the Tony Abbott song
To indicate the source of the song, here is the text of a report in the Herald Sun, the tabloid Sunday version of the Sydney Morning Herald.

Women's virginity 'a precious gift', says Tony Abbott

By Phillip Hudson January 26, 2010 10:06AM

Abbott says couples shouldn't be tempted by pre-marital sex
Says if they can't wait, at least use contraception
Faces claims women do not like him
TONY Abbott believes women should regard their virginity as "a gift" that should not be given away lightly.

The Opposition Leader says men and women tempted by sex before marriage should try to abide by "the rules" but at least use contraception if they can't wait, The Herald Sun reported.

Since winning the Liberal leadership in December, Mr Abbott has faced claims that women voters do not like him. But there is no polling to prove this is the case.

In an interview in this month's Australian Women's Weekly, Mr Abbott is quizzed about a range of women's issues.

Asked whether he expects his own daughters to remain virgins until they are married, Mr Abbott says all women should regard their virginity as a gift that should not be given lightly.

Mr Abbott is the father of three daughters - Louise, 21, Frances, 18, and Bridget, 16.

He has previously spoken about being surrounded by strong women and said his decision to support a strong paid maternity leave scheme had been influenced by the women in his life.

Mr Abbott, a former Catholic seminarian, has previously spoken about his own temptation by sex before marriage, how he took risks playing "Vatican roulette" (the rhythm method of birth control) and believed for 25 years he had fathered a son with his university girlfriend.

Cheers, Rowan