The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127399   Message #2841571
Posted By: Genie
16-Feb-10 - 09:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Watching selected Olympic events?
Subject: RE: BS: Watching selected Olympic events?
I don't really agree, Q.   Yes, they did save the top ranked pairs for the last half hour -- BUT I had no way of knowing that beforehand, so I had the danged thing on all evening when I could have taken a nap or watched something else.   I couldn't even take out 15 min. for a shower without risking missing one of the pairs.   And they DID intersperse several other pairs' routines (e.g., the Americans and the Canadians) among the other events over a 3 1/2 hour period.

Unless there's some way to watch these things later online, it looks like I'll probably miss some of the events I want to watch, simply because I cannot predict WHEN in the evening's lineup those events (e.g., a particular skater's program) is going to be sprung on the viewer.   If I dare snooze for 10 minutes, get up to fix a sandwich or get a beer (or recycle the last one), there's a fairly good chance I'll miss part or all of the 4-minute segment I've been waiting to see. Argh!

It's aggravating enough that I find myself on the verge of just saying "Screw it!" and turning off the TV.