The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2841632
Posted By: Sawzaw
17-Feb-10 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Still can't find anything supporting the Bobert magic 1 in 5 "fact" and he is too lazy and smug. He prefers bigoted ad hominen attacks and racial slurs or facts.

Do people really go to bed hungry?

.......The United Nations reported in June 2009 that 1.02 billion peopleâ€"one of every sixâ€"are acutely hungry every day. The great majority of these people live in grinding poverty on a daily basis, causing them to eat both less food overall and cheap food, which is often less nutritious........

......The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that in 2005, about 11% of American households did not always have enough food for each member to have an active, healthy life. These families might be an older couple with unusually high utility bills or a struggling family in which the adults skip meals in order to feed the children.......

Here are the sobering statistics: More than 12.6 million children were at risk of hunger at some point last year. That's 17.2% of all children, or one in six. Among them are:

5.1 million kids -43.6%-living at or below the poverty threshold.

5.9 million kids living with a married couple.

5.8 million kids -one-third-who live in single-woman households .

5.3 million Caucasian kids-1.4 million or more than any other racial group.

10.6 million kids living within metro areas-5 times the number living outside metro areas.

5.2 million in the South-more than in any other region of the country.

The report said 6.7 million people were defined as having "very low food security" because they regularly lacked sufficient to eat. Among them, 96% reported that the food they bought did not last until they had money to buy more. Nearly all said they could not afford to eat balanced meals. Although few reported that this was a permanent situation throughout the year, 88% said it had occurred in three or more months.