The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2841766
Posted By: Bobert
17-Feb-10 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
That was figurative, Sawz, and you know it... Wheteher it was an AK47 or another kinda gun isn't the point... But, as per usual, you'd rather attack the details rather than the sentiment of the post...

Okay, Big Shot... What kinda gun was it??? You saw the picture just like everyone else... You also saw the sign that the man was carrying that suggested some sort of removal of leaders.... You know, that tree slogan...

The real weaselin' here is you and yer little juvinilistic tactics of attackin' the deatils rather than the real isssues... I mean, even yer fellow righties ain't comin' in here with posts which I guess has alot to do with yer piss-poor behavior...

The M-16, was also figurative... The fact is that the Donnie Rumsfeld did take gifts to Saddam... Whetehr it was a gold plated M-16 or a gold plated sowrd is not the issue...

How about gettin' with the discussion, Sawz, and leave yer annoying gnat behavior alone... It's terribly childish and it waters down what ever it is you are trying to say...
