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Thread #123888   Message #2842290
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Feb-10 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iran Had Secret Nuke Building Site
Subject: RE: BS: Iran Had Secret Nuke Building Site
The main relevant matter is that they (Iran) would not survive such an attack themselves, and they know it. The only credible use for Iran to have nuclear weapons is as a deterrent to being attacked first by America or Israel or both.

So...why do we never have any threads here about Israel's many secret nukes (already built some considerable time ago) and their secret nuke building sites where those nukes were constructed? Is it because God's Chosen political entity on Earth (Israel?) can simply do no wrong no matter what they decide to do? Or is it because we have a compliant North American media who only see evil where they already wish to see it?

I rather think it's the latter...because I don't think God plays favourites. Not for Israel's sake. Not for Iran's either. And not for the USA's sake either.

I therefore disagree with the self-centred assumptions of BOTH Iran and Israel and the USA when it comes to their supposed god-given right to do anything they damn well want to to anyone they choose. But Israel already has many secret nukes and secret nuclear-related facilities built and ready. They are in no position to claim any moral high ground in regards to other nations when it comes to concealing such weapons. They have also launched several aggressive invasions of neighbouring lands in the last 60 or so years, taken portions of those lands by force, robbing many of the local people of their property, and Iran has not done so. How is it then that Iran serves as the perennial "bad guy" in our media?

And is ANY of this political posturing based on genuine morality? Or is it based on naked self-interest and sheer pragmatism? Quite clearly, it's the latter.