The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127427 Message #2843052
Posted By: Little Hawk
18-Feb-10 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Pensions
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions
Perhaps what we are seeing occur is the ultimate manifestation of uncontrolled growth...not just in Canada, but across the planet.
That is, number one, growth of population. Growth of population leads to increasing consumption of resources of every kind. And that's in a finite world. Advances in technology coupled with growth in population lead to increased lifestyle expectations which lead to even greater consumption of resources.
We can create vast amounts of fictional "money", but we cannot create more resources than the planet already has...and those resources, per capita, are rapidly diminishing.
Thus we see an inevitable strain on everyone's share of those resources.
What next?
Try watching this series of videos of a talk given by a professor at the University of Colorado regarding growth (of population, industry, production, etc). It's dry stuff, not terribly exciting in a superficial sense...but it's extremely interesting if you bother to focus on it enough to start appreciating and understanding what he is saying: