The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126433   Message #2843967
Posted By: Fidjit
19-Feb-10 - 05:47 AM
Thread Name: the show goes on - in Sweden
Subject: RE: the show goes on - in Sweden
well now this Seems to be leveling out at around 540'ish.


Even got asked, "for directions" ( their words )via our leading fiddle player's connections to a 90 year old dance group in Los Ageles U.S.A. for the steps to the Rosa Waltz. That was nice of them to ask.
Seems those taking part there are now getting on a bit and liked something a bit slower.
What makes me scratch my head is that, if they have been going for 90 years, that they haven't searched out the net for all the dance sites that are there.
