The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127427   Message #2844488
Posted By: Ed T
19-Feb-10 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Pensions
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions
In most cases, ther are no benefit seen by not developing a resource, because economists, planners and regulators only see economc development as having a measurable public value. This has led to a " prospector mentality", giving you access to public resources If you propose a use and can show an econimic gain (even though it is yours). This still exists .even though resources are fewer and threatened from nonsustainable use. In most cases these resources are harvested with no concern for other resources or species harmed (beyond the target interest) . Leaving the harm to someone else, or a future generation to deal with. There are a multitude of examples on land and in water. Governments use the words sustainable as buzz words,,often only meaning the sustainable economic interests of the user.