The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41824   Message #2844588
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Feb-10 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Nasty Nursery Rhymes
Subject: RE: Nasty Nursery Rhymes
Mary had a rooster, she also had a duck
She put them on the windowsill
To see if they would dance and sing...

The duck began to waddle and the rooster had a fit
He jumped into a bucket that was
Full of poodle hair and stuff...

The poodle came a-running to see what had gone wrong
He tripped over the bannister and
Twisted off his collarchain...

The rooster broke out laughing
To see the poodle fall
The duck jumped off the windowsill
And pecked off BOTH his licenses...

The poodle, in a fury, tried to tear the duck to bits
The rooster lost his head and tried to hide in Mary's
Chest of drawers...

The poodle chased the duck all round the house
From back to front
The rooster and the duck both tried to hide
In Mary's jewelry box...

Now Mary's had them stuffed
And she keeps them on the shelf
And if that's not enough for you...
Then go get stuffed yourself!

**** (I love envisioning the final scene. A thoroughly disgruntled Mary tides up the damage wrought upon her once-tidy abode by her 3 crazed pets, while sitting mutely on the shelf we see...a hysterical looking stuffed rooster, a lasciviously grinning stuffed duck, and a stuffed poodle with a look of shock and outrage recorded for posterity on its fuzzy and frantic face.)