The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127427   Message #2844718
Posted By: GUEST,ollaimh
19-Feb-10 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Canuck Pensions
Subject: RE: BS: Canuck Pensions
refugees DO NOT get 2400 a month. thats total bullshit.they get welfae and have to pay the $1600 entrance fee them selves.

the tories for those who pay attention, increases spending , before the recession by about fourty billion and reduced taxes by about the same amount. they put us in deficit a full eighteen months before we wouold have been if they had stayed the liberal course. the liberals left them a ten billuion surplus and they squandered it. just like mulroney did. he almost doubled our national indebtedness in nine years. the tories have been a financial disaster for canada just as the republicans have been for the us.

clinton left a balanced budget and future surplusses and the bush adminstration spent the potential surplusses before they actually became surplusses.

its time for american and canadians to wake up and realize that they are selling snake oil and driving us into penury