The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126930   Message #2844960
Posted By: Ptarmigan
20-Feb-10 - 09:17 AM
Thread Name: Songs you shouldn't sing in UK folk club
Subject: RE: Songs you shouldn't sing in UK folk club
Trust me Jack, no career will ever be upset, just because one person alone doesn't want to listen to them.
After all, in a Folk Club, for everyone who doesn't like political songs, there's bound to be ten who do.

You enjoyed the work of Alistair Hulett & that's fine for you & for thousands of other folk too, but that doesn't mean I have to like his stuff, or worse still pretend to like it, just because it's the done thing.

I'm asked here what I don't like to listen to, so I give my opinion & that after, all is what a forum is all about.

I suspect most folks who get involved with folk/traditional music, don't do so to become popular, after all, if that was their main reason, they'd be off playing Country & Western.

The fact is, I reckon this question is perhaps not specific enough, because of course, the UK is a big place & something that might go down well in a Folk Club above a Nationalist Pub in London, would probably not go down quite so well shall we say, in a Folk Club above a boozer in East Belfast.

The chances are, any overtly political song stands a pretty good chance of perhaps upsetting or worse still, offending at least someone in an audience & for that reason as well, I am not a fan of this form of communication.

At least in Hyde Park, if you don't like what someone is preaching, you can just move on!
