The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2845157
Posted By: Bill D
20-Feb-10 - 01:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Joe Offer said a few days ago:

"Here in California, the Catholic Church has gotten a fair amount of flak for its stance on immigration, and some for its opposition to the death penalty. I'd certainly be appalled if anything were done to curtail its right to speak out on such issues."

I see your point Joe, but this bothers me in the same way the recent Supreme Court decision on the extension of the 2nd amendment to corporations did.

   To my mind, institutions do not HAVE opinions...ever! I do understand that churches...especially the Catholic church... do have a system where leaders define and promulgate 'official positions' on various issues, but in the final analysis, it IS those leaders who 'have opinions'. All that varies is the degree to which various churches suggest that their official stance is supported by scripture and how closely members are expected to toe the line.

   You, Joe, mention often that you do NOT accept some of the more extreme teachings of Rome on certain matters, and that seems to me to be progress(though YOU would be considered bordering on heretical in more conservative countries).....but then you want to allow "the church" to have freedom to "speak out" on things like immigration?

I strongly feel that any opinion on public matters should be stated AS the opinion of the individual, and not some institution- religious or corporate - he happens to represent in other capacities.