The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2845331
Posted By: Royston
20-Feb-10 - 04:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Look, I am really troubled by the way that some folks here keep on attacking others for having religious beliefs. There is just too much bile here against Muslims and Christians, and I hate it.

The Pope (as a head of religious institution and a regular agitator in worldly affairs) = fair game for being slapped down.

"The Church" (Whatever church, when it speaks or acts as a body to preach iniquity in secular life) = fair game.

Osama bin Laden / Al Qaeda / Nutty Imams / Saudi Arabia = fair game. The greatness weakness and greatness strength of Islam is that there is no structure, no governance, no "official" to blame for the good or the bad that Muslims do. You have no choice but to learn to differentiate the good from the bad on an individual basis.

Anyone (who takes a religion of peace, love and mercy - such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity and twists it to support iniquity and harm in secular life) = fair game.

But for crying out loud, the shit and approbrium that gets heaped upon some folks here for having an external justification or reason for caring, thinking, speaking well, praying and generally aspiring to something better for themselves and for all others, is just appalling. Some of you need to take a cold shower, a few deep breaths and try to calm down.

Suibhne: "I know a lot of very sincere and very devout Roman Catholics, just as I know a lot of very devout and sincere Moslems etc. But when it comes to the wholesale massacre of others as heretics & infidels, likewise the active oppression of individuals because of some warped theology derived from the ravings of a mad horse, then I would suggest there is something seriously awry with the old religion concept."

Well said. My next comment is not directed at you, it is directed "out there" generally: Protest at the pronouncements and at the people who act and speak in disagreeable ways, be sure to respect and acknowledge those who act, speak and intend nothing but good; and learn to tell the difference between the two.