The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120208   Message #2845481
Posted By: Bobert
20-Feb-10 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Subject: RE: BS: KKK/Tea Party Day
Like I said, Sawz... You are an ignorant white man who is clueless about race... I've suggested that it would be to your benefit to have a professor in "race studies" examine this thread and give you their un-biased read on it but, no... You'd rather just stay ignorant and call me a racist???

Maybe they can explain to you the difference between "redneck" and "nigger" since you seem clueless...

Here's my question for you Sawz: Do you enjoy being ignorant???

Here's my next question fir you: "If you were sick would you go to see a doctor???

Here's my last question fir you: "If you would go to see a doctor if you were sick then why wouldn't you go see a college professor if you thought you might be ignorant???"

Like what's the big fear here, Sawz??? Afraid that I might be right??? Horrors, man, horrors!!! That would be worse than, ahhhhhh, worse than anything...

You are quickly becoming just another troll here... You know what trolls are, don'tcha??? They're just little people with little minds who use the internet as a forum to be obnoxious and disruptive??? Why??? Different reason but bottom line, there comes a point where they are not willin' to do anything but troll more... They are not willing to learn new stuff... Or explore possibilities... They just sit in their armore in front of their computer and pound out trollism...

Hey, I am very serious, Sawz.... You say yer wife is a teacher??? I'm sure that she knows someone who could find you a reputable professor that teaches a course on "race"... NO, not a Bob Jones U professor who is also a member of the local Klan... But a real professor...

Waht are you afraid of, man??? The truth??? Enlightenment??? Learning that it's perfectly okay to have a black president???
