The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2845765
Posted By: Bobert
21-Feb-10 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Yeah, I see the economy as stayin' stagnant for a long time to come... It is fundamentally flawed in that the rules have changed so much over the last 30 years (and yes, during Bill Clinton's administration, too) that favor the corporations and monied class that there isn't enough wealth left for the workin' class to participate in the growth of the GNP... We have to remember that GNO represents the multiplicty effect of the dollar as opposed to the number of dollars that are in existence... In other words, those dollars have to circulate to create GNP... That can't happen if the workin' class is using their dollars just to pay bills to survive... There has to be descretionary income in thr working class for the GNP to really grow...

So what has to occur before the economy will correct itself is really very simple in that wealth needs to be distibuted closer to the way it was in the early 80s before dereguation... All that deregulation has done is shift wealth away from the working class... If we de-socialize the corporations (wall street) and make them have to compete (novel concept) like the working class has to compete things can straighten themeselves out...

Of course this is going to have to require "government" (horrors) actions... And it's going to involve changing the tax codes so that the 30% of the wealth that the rich now have that isn't taxed get taxed but, hey, the choices aren't very pretty... The rich need to understand that their holding all the wealth does not serve them in the long run.... Yeah, that's a hard sell.... A big pill to swallow... But if we don't do that there won't be the resources at either the governeemnt level (think balenced budgets v. deficits) or in the working class (think consumption) to sustain this current downward spiriling economy...

And that, unfortunatly, is the way it is...
