The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #941   Message #2847
Posted By: Coralena
05-Mar-97 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Preacher and the Bear
Subject: RE:
I don't know if this is what you are looking for or not, my Daddy would sing it and he learned it from his Daddy.

Well, the preacher he went a hunting
Was on one Sunday morn
Was against his religion
but he took his gun along
He shot himself some mighty fine quail and one little
measly hare and on his way returning home he met a great
big grizzly bear.
Well, the bear marched out in the middle of the road and
the preacher climbed out on the limb
He cast his eyes to the Lord in the sky and he once more
said to him
Oh Lord, you delivered Daniel from the lion's den
also brother Jonah from the belly of the whale and then
the Hebrew Children from the fiery furnace now the Good
Book due declare
Now Lord if you can't help me for goodness sake don't you
help that bear.

My Granddaddy would put his own twist to it that for the
most part I'd rather leave out but at the end he sang
"Now Lord if you can't help me for goodness sake put a
muzzle on that there bear".