The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2847140
Posted By: Ed T
22-Feb-10 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
So, back to the pope making (talking) sense:

OK Joe....(with alll respect to your, my faith, and that of other mudcatters, as this is debate, and not personal) ...since you seem to have taken on a role as an authority on the RC church....a couple of puzzling questions.

My understanding is the one RC pope is the boss of the 3000 or so world RC bishops in th e 220,000, or so, global RC parishes ( I believe there are between 30-410 Roman Catholic denominations, depending on how you count 'em up).

The Bishops are the spirital advisors of the local churches and bosses of the priests. ( let's set aside th e cardinals who mostly have a role to advise and elect the pope).

Since it has been proven that some (and I suspect a lot of) priests broke RC church (and Christ's) laws through pedophile ( or related) many non-moral priests and their bishop bosses, some of whom it is known had knowledge of and condoned their acts, have been relieved of their clerical duties and excommunicated from the RC Church?
If non or few, Why so?

Such imoral priests would be incapable of fulfilling the moral requirement for consecrating the Holy Eucharist. A non moral priest's inability to consecrate the Eucharist would invalidate all mass offerings in their parish, over a number of years.   A result would be that Jesus did not become spiritually present in the local RC neighborhoods to discourage the presence and influence of Satan among the RC populace.

Would such deception and consequences, lasting over many years or decades, not be considered a serious situation for the RC Church, it's organization and the faithful? If so, who was punished, and who lost their job...from the non-moral priest, up top the Pope, through the Bishops? If this and previous Popes were ultimate bosses....where was the action (or, maybe I missed it) to address this important matter? I note that swift action was recently taken to put a halt to initiatives in a RC church enabling women to take a greater role within the RC Mass (we discussed this last year in another thread)