The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2847897
Posted By: Sawzaw
23-Feb-10 - 02:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Prior to the "which has cut off our crude oil imports" posting from Amos he posted this claiming he was getting "the truth out":

From: Amos - PM
Date: 28 Jul 08 - 11:16 AM


1. Try to write coherent sentences and proofrede foirst. :D

2. I add to this thread because I believe that airing the claims for impeachment is the right thing to do--part of trying to get the truth out about an Administration that has dramatized dark secrecy since its inception and believes in the right of citizens not to know what their government is really doing.

The Articles of Impeachment may gain traction and they may not. The point is that the issue should not be allwoed to be dismissed on the strength of a lot of humphing and ignoral by those invested in the current Administration's pathetic obsessive "rightness".

"Administration's pathetic obsessive "rightness"?

I think that would be Amos.

In Amos's obsessive, frantic effort in making 40 posts a day, he does not read the stuff he cuts and pastes but claims it is the truth.

Then when he can't dispute the facts in what others post, he has to resort to picking them apart for spelling, font sizes, out of context, date, rhetoric, whatever to try to discredit the facts.

But I am not going to call Amos any names or disparage his intelligence like he constantly does to anybody that has the audacity to disagree with him. EG "Of all the half-witted idiocy." "Ass" "Get bent, pal." "it's not the position, it's the dumbness" "abysmal stupidity"