The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127597   Message #2848657
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Feb-10 - 09:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: What's with my cat???
Subject: RE: BS: What's with my cat???
Wilby The Unpredictable was neutered too. A few months later he turned into The Cat from Pussy HELL!   

The vet took one look at him and said "Ah, yes, this sometimes happens until the hormones settle down", as he filled him full of Girly Hormones.

For the next two months, Wilby drooled over dress and lipstick! He gave up his "MiaOW! for "Hey, chick, I lurrrrrrve your high heels!" and was The Cat from Pussy Heaven for a while.

But...little by little, his dress sense gave way to beer, cigarettes and rock'n'roll!

We learnt to live with our new Meatloaf cat..and accepted that if we needed to groom him, we had to pay out £45 to have him knocked out by the vet, who of course, loved this playful little DeathKitty to death.

These days he's mellowed a little, licks, rubs and chews at your nose, lulling you into a false sense of "Ohhhhhhh, pussy, you DO love me after all!" before he Whops you round the chops!

Ah, the pleasures of pussies, eh? :0)