The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127622   Message #2848988
Posted By: George Papavgeris
24-Feb-10 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Surat Weyver's Song (dialect) on BBC1
Subject: Surat Weyver's Song (dialect) on BBC1
Who'd have thought it - traditional folk (and at its best too) on BBC1. Yes on 't telly, not 't wireless. And in the middle of the most unlikely programme: "Flog it", for chrissake! But there it is, all 10 minutes of it, a short talk about the Blackburn Poets and their links to the cotton mills of Lancashire, by one of the best authorities on the subject, none other than our Sid Calderbank, Lancashire dialect poet and historian. And he sings The Surat Weyver's Song too. Go to the link and feast your ears and eyes, the relevant item starts 18 mins and 50 seconds into the programme:

Sid Calderbank and the Surat Weyvers Song

Good on you, Sid, mate!