The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127011   Message #2849259
Posted By: Ed T
24-Feb-10 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Subject: RE: BS: At last a Pope talks some sense
Joe O

Maybe my concept of accountability of the Popemay seems skewed, or even foggy from inside the RC church, which yoiu claim has a complex old boys organization. That may be a reason, but not a good excuse for clear inaction, and deception from inside the Church structure.

To me the person at the top of any organization has some level of responsibility, (to stop clearly identified cruel and illegal sexual abuse and clean up the house) or they should step aside. This happens in other organizations and governments...even the ones who do not claim to be holy and representing christ on earth in any way. I would expect no less from the RC church and the Pope(s) as it's leader and only person who could impact more rapid change. n fact, expect more than I would expect from a company....let's use a car maker or governmnt department, as examples.

You say in defense that the crimes were committed by by individuals, not the RC church. Well most crimes in society are committed by individuals. It is the responsibility of organizations and people in a position of power, (they work on hahalf of), to put a halt to it. Many organizations succeed in halting individual wrong doing and in making changes to limit others from doing the same thing. The RC church failed to do this....and failed over decades., not months or years. Should we expect less of the RC church than a private company or a government department? Given its mandate, I expect more. Your argument that it is the individual not the church who committed a crime reminds me of the USA gun lobby defense statement that "guns kill, not people".

Your faulty analogy to the church and a family is a red herring, only serving to cloud, rather than clearify the sad and unchristian history of abuse in the RC church. Additionally, maybe some churches did not have cases of abuse. But many churches do. Looking at the reasons why could provide guidance for future structural change. But, does nothing to justify harm caused by decadades of sexual abuse inside the RC church that was condoned, covered up, and allowed to continue to grow with little concern for the health of those impacted nor the impact on the innocent faithful.

I suspect that what we know of cases of child sexual abuse are only the tip of the iceberg, as many victims and abusers arenow older or deceased and chose not to come forward and face the public embarassment.

My mother was a very faithful RC who blindly believed that the RC church could do no wrong. Luckily, my father (a christian man) was an alert parent and skeptic. I believe my father spared me and my family from some of the horrors a few of my friends experienced inside the holiest places in the RC church. There parents unknowingly offering them up to these so called holy men.

Oh well....I will not labour this topic. You have your views and perspectives. I have mine. So be it.

It is related to the topic posted. But, possibly takes the discussion away from the direct theme .