The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2849327
Posted By: LilyFestre
24-Feb-10 - 07:27 PM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Cancer-Seeking Chemo Is on Target!
Wow! First of all, thank you for all the comments about my guys warm me heart and soul!!!!   :) For me, it helps me keep perspective in where I've been and that I AM moving forward!!!!

Regarding foods. That's a HUGE topic and I appreciate the nod to watch Dr. Oz (when is that on?!?!?) and the list of foods too! My oncologist (in the chemo department) says to eat whatever I want but he suggested whole foods, fresh foods...but that was just his suggestion.

Hm. Well, here's the thing. Most of you know that post here know I've been working on losing weight for a while now and I'm succeeding. Total amount lost so far is 105 pounds....lost it with Weight Watchers, mostly eating whole foods, fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats, etc....very balanced. So. I get it. I get what a healthy diet is. Add chemo to the mix and my concerns turn to how can I keep nausea at bay? How can I keep up my red and white blood cell counts? How about energy? Is there a way I can boost it as much as possible? What about mouth do I eat then? What about food not being interesting much at all lately? How can I spark at least a normal appetite (OMG, did I REALLY just say that?) What foods support a healthy immune system? Because I fully believe that nutrition plays a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE part in my recovery I made an appointment with the nutritional clinic at the hospital where they have nutritionists who deal with people having chemo all the time. I'm not switching up how I eat healthy. I can work whatever into my WW program...I just need a little help in WHAT foods those will be. I'm pretty sure I'll have to foot the bill for it but I can't imagine going through this and NOT fortifying myself as strongly as possible.

In the meantime, I'm keeping it simple. Dinner tonight? 96% FF lean ground beef/burgers, whole wheat couscous with raisins and walnuts and steamed carrots. Always a bottle of water at my side. Always.

It's not always so balanced.....lunch was Rice Krispies. Tried a banana and it just didn't taste good to me today. And amounts? I'm not hungry anymore....seems that just went away, so I eat what I can. My body tells me when it's enough and people around me are learning that it doesn't mean I'm sick, it's just enough. This is good. Also...still nursing Boost when I think of it...lots of great protein and other good stuff in there.

And PS. I got a BEAUTIFUL package of 3 hats from Allison today....I love them ALL!!! Thank you!!!!!!

And PSS to Tam.....I had your fairy out today and for the first time since my head has been shaved, I put on the beaded headress you sent me. I have no hair to clip it to but the doily part sticks to my fuzz like velcro...the beads swing freely and they TICKLE!!! It's my hat with AC.....sometimes I just need some air on my head!!!! I needed to smile today and between the hats from Allison and the sweet fairy and the tickles...I had some FUN! I took photos and will be adding them next time I update the montage!!!! You guys are the best!!!!

Susan....I'll bring the new hats and beaded head dress next time I see you (which may be Saturday after all) are going to love everything! The kindness and talent here never ceases to amaze me.

Much love to all!!!   <3 <3 <3
