The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102225 Message #2850381
Posted By: GUEST,vanessa
25-Feb-10 - 08:31 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: camp song about home in tyrol
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: camp song about home in tyrol
In an 1950s elementary school music book I have a text with the Cuckoo song (obviously a rendition of Peter's brook) as follows:
Oh I went to Peter's flowing stream where the water's so good and I heard there the cuckoo as she sang from the wood
Ho-li-ah ho-le-rah-hi-hah ho-le-ra-cuckoo etc
After Easter come sunny days that will melt all the snow Then I'll marry my maiden fair we'll be happy I know
When I've married my maiden fair then what can I desire? Oh, a home for her tending, and some wood for the fire.