The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127658   Message #2850555
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
26-Feb-10 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Sexualisation of our Children
Subject: BS: The Sexualisation of our Children
FINALLY they are waking up to it! FINALLY the media is taking on board the terrible damage we are allowing to happen to the most vulnerable souls in our society.

Today BBC Breakfast News is talking about the 'official' report into sexualisation of our children. Yesterday BBC Radio Devon opened the airwaves to listeners about it and were swamped with anxious and angry calls. And also yesterday, the Bishop of Exeter came out to add his voice to the concern that is now starting to raise its head above the parapet.

There are calls to ban explicit music videos on TV until after 9pm (just ban 'em completely, imo)...there are calls for parents to say NO! over and over...for all phones and computers to automatically come with Parental Controls turned ON when you buy them, so that children cannot access goodness knows what on the net, calls for adverts to change, for society to change...

The BBC presenter on Radio Devon spoke about women dressed as 'tarts' in the music industry being presented to our children as some kind person to look up to...   Well, well, well....

Yesterday, in the rain, I saw a young girl, about 12, on her way home, underneath her 'cute' little Playboy Umbrella, the pink bunnies shining out against the black, in the darkness of the rainstorm...

I've spoken so often of little girls who are way too knowledgeable about how they move their bodies, without really understanding what message their bodies are sending out. They're just copying what they see on TV.

On the television this morning, they were talking with a woman who's just written a book on this whole thing, a very glamourous, young and pretty woman, (can't recall her name I'm afraid) who was dressed impeccably and elegantly. She was highly intelligent, and deeply worried about what is happening to young girls, boys too.

She spoke about how girls are being almost brainwashed into feeling that the only thing they are now valued for is...their bodies. How bulimia is on the increase, how boobs jobs are top of the plastic surgery list now. She told of how many very young teenagers have already experienced sexual assault. She also spoke of how boys are being brainwashed into seeing girls as sexual objects and treating them accordingly. Of how they see what's 'on offer' and they want it, take it.
The girls feel as if that's what they should be offering too....and so many of them want to be models or lap/pole dancers.

So, now that it's 'official' are people finally going to admit it's happening?