The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127658   Message #2850931
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
26-Feb-10 - 01:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Sexualisation of our Children
Subject: RE: BS: The Sexualisation of our Children
"As for respecting men!
You have posted on the rape thread they they are little better than slaves to sexual arousal."

Find it. Post it here.   I think you'll find I stated ****some**** men, those men are usually the ones who rape, Emma. I have always stuck up for men actually, and it incenses you. Tough. As I've said before, I'm the daughter, sister and mother of men, and they seem pretty darn good to me. There are a few foul men.

And....there are also a few foul women too........................

Oh, Cripes, Mike, don't get me started on sex education, whatever you do, else I may be here all night. Just let me say that I'd be interested to know how many paedeophiles have a hand in school sex education, along with the music industry, the toy industry and the fashion industry, to name but a few.

A few years back I rang the Head Buyer for NEXT, talked to her about the outrageous clothes they were selling for little girls, at that time. She ended up in tears, telling me how desperately worried she was about her own two daughters, about the highly suggestive way they danced, what they wanted to wear..They were 7 and 9 years old at the time.   She said she'd tried and tried to get this point over in the Boardroom, but she was now one of the oldest there (mid 40s) and nearly all the other staff present simply didn't understand what she was on about.

Two generations have been groomed, that's part of the problem. It's why so many parents say "Yes!" because they can't see anything wrong with it, and because some of them also don't give a damn about their kids.

Preaching that women have the right to wear whatever, without any form of judgement coming down on them though, is, in my opinion, a huge part of why we are where we are.

The Spice Girls started it. My daughter back then was at primary school and the end of term show was a Spice Girls tribute. She wasn't in it. I remember sitting there gasping in horror as these kids came out 9/10 years old, dressed as their heroines, even down to Geri's Union Jack Dress, cut to the crotch..with knickers showing. All the parents clapped and cheered and those whose kids were in it sat there glowing with pride at their daughters.

I shuddered!

(And no, Don, I was NOT jealous) ;0)

I continued to watch as her friends started to be dressed in more outrageous outfits over the years. Now, there Myspace pages are filled with pictures of drunken nights out, everyone all over everyone else..and it makes me really sad, you know, because I remember them when they came to my house in Sidmouth, at 13 years old......I bought them all loads of bubbles and they ran round Blackmore Gardens, free from worry of being seen by other kids they knew from back in Tavistock. The whole place became filled with bubbles as five kids slipped into being young in the right way..."I'd forgotten what it's like to be a child!" squealed Megan, excitedly..and my heart felt heavy, because I knew that this would only last for a weekend, before all the stress of 'keeping up' would have to start again once they got home..

The Lost Children...

And it is really any wonder that their own parents have not yet really grown up? They too had their childhood stolen from them, by the Corporate Soul Stealers who see our children as nothing more than consumers to train from an earlier and earlier age.

Yes, this CAN be turned around, and it's easy to do, because all it takes is the media to keep it right in the forefront of people's attentions, until the message finally gets through...even to Katie Price/Jordan and her brood of adultchildren...

We need to start making REAL people heroes and heroines for our children/ People that they should aspire to follow in the footsteps of, for all the brave, wonderful and uplifting things they do for others...and for themselves.

In fact, I'm off to hunt down a few inspirational youngsters...