The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127683   Message #2851255
Posted By: *#1 PEASANT*
26-Feb-10 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: We Gather Together - first sung in US?
Subject: Lyr Req: We Gather Together - first sung in Us?
A friend is researching the thanksgiving song-

We Gather Together.

It has a long past coming from the dutch original to german nationalistic version.

the interest is in finding out how it came to the USA most likely via.

Dutch Folk-Songs with piano accompaniment. Compiled & edited by C. V. Bos [Import] (Unknown Binding)
~ Coenraad V Bos (Author)

Which is cited as being the first English translation.

Other names include-

Wir treten zum Beten (german version)


"Altniederländisches Dankgebet

We gather together

Thanksgiving Prayer

Kremser (name of tune after scholar who discovered and popularised it)

So essentially the question is -

When did it become popular in the USA

Your kind assistance with this research will be greatly appreciated

Contact me at
