The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127684   Message #2852909
Posted By: Bobert
01-Mar-10 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Repubs to Unemployed: Tough Sh*t???
Subject: RE: BS: Repubs to Unemployed: Tough Sh*t???
I agree, JOhn...

What I see as the problem isn't si much the narrative of what the Repubs did during the "wasted decade" or what the Dems want to do to fix it but, as Bill Clinton once put it, "a matter of who has the microphone"...

One would think that the majority party would have the microphone but things have changed and that is no longer the case... Lemme give an example: Obama holds a 7 hour summit on health care reform and if you watch ABC, NBC or CBS, where most folks still get their nightly news, then Obama gets:

30 seconds of microphone time...

If you watch FOX news then you get:

2 minutes of negative spin on Obama and another 5-10 minutes of negative spin by the Repubs on Obama

CNN, BTW, is "right" behind FOX are a rightie propaganda station

But let's not stop there... Then for the rest of the night we are barraged with anti-Dem/anti-Obama ads so by the end of the night the average TV watcher (3 hours per day) will have seen:

-----30 seconds of Obama v. 10-15 minutes of anti-Obama!!!!!-----

That is reality here... That is why the poll numbers are weighted down so heavily against health care reform... The right either owns media outlets lock, stock and barrel or pays up gobs of time... The right has the friggin' microphone!!!! Not the majority party... That is the real story here!!!
