The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #2853082
Posted By: SINSULL
01-Mar-10 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: LilyFestre - Cancer-Seeking Chemo Is on Target!
This has been the weekend from hell for me. No power on Friday. Computer crash on Saturday - actually it works but only brings up really nasty porn sites. No computer = no phone . Then my cell phone ran out of minutes. No computer = no refill on the cell.
Very frustrating but I told myself "At least I have my hair". A recognition of how ridiculous all this crap is in comparison to your battle.
Re: your pathetic friend's husband. Imagine being married to that? Poor lady.
When a Mudcatter trying to hard to be controversial wished colon cancer on Kendall, I confronted him in the Chat. My language was less than ladylike but spot on. He squirmed that it was a joke. He whined that I should stay out of it. He complained that he was being picked on. In short, he showed what a worthless coward he actually was. From that day forward, if I went into the chat, he left. Eventually he was banned from the Cat for a multitude of offences. Like your friend's husband, a pathetic bully trying get attention. Dismiss him and his negative energy. There is no room for him in your life.
Hopefully, your package will arrive soon. With all the nonsense this weekend I managed to jam the after hours machine with your package stuck inside. If I hear from Homeland Security I will let you know. LOL
Hug your Nana and know that you are loved.