The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2853112
Posted By: GUEST,beardedbruce
01-Mar-10 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
"And it is doing so exactly in time-coincidence with the ramp up of human additives of CO2 "

No, Amos. The ramp-up of CO2 from whatever source is LAGGING the rise in temperature- just as it would if it was warming due to increased solar output, which was releasing CO2 from natural sources.

" If you look at the graphs, the rate of increase of global temperature breaks out of the range it has been in for a couple of thousand years by an order of magnitude."

1. Said graphs are only valid for the measurement period of just over 100 years. No data exists for earlier on the level that is significant.

2. You have ignored the PROVEN flaws in taking measurements from a site as equal when the local environment has changed. When the weather station is now in a bank parking lot instead of on a bare mountainside, the failure by warmists to compensate for the known effects invalidates that data point- yet it is included in the graph.

3. You presume that evidence of the effect is proof of the cause, which is not valid. Should I say that, since the correlation of house repossions vs Obama's time in office show a strong relationship, that thus Obama is entirely responsible for the mortgage crisis? THAT is just as valid as what you are saying.