The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #87391   Message #2853128
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Mar-10 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Why do you who are supporting the current GW theory keep pretending that those who are not supporting it are saying that there is no global warming occuring?

That's not what we are saying. It would be convenient for your argument if we were saying that, but we're not.

We are saying that human-produced CO2 is not a significant factor in producing this global warming that has been occurring since 1975. If it were, we would not have had a 35-year long global cooling phase between 1940 and 1975, because human-produced CO2 levels were rising steadily throughout that entire period.

The global cooling between 1940 and 1975 led to scare stories in the media in the mid-70s about global cooling and the threat of a new ice age. Those stories were couched in the usual dramatic terms. We were all going to freeze in the cold!!! ;-) Then the climate began warming up in 1975...and that put an end to those scare stories. more "ice age" crisis for the media to rave on about.

I suspect the same thing will happen to the present scare stories about "global meltdown" in awhile.

By the way, there was one scientist in the mid-70s who proposed a way of possibly reversing the global cooling that was occurring and that had the scientists quite worried at the time. He suggested that if the industrial world were to pump a lot more CO2 into the atmosphere that it might help to counteract the global cooling through the greenhouse effect.

And there, folks, you have the origin of the very idea that is being touted now as a cause of global warming. Only they're talking about it from the other way around...fearing the CO2...because now the planet is in a warming phase.

Scientific study of ice core samples from Greenland has indicated, however, the following:

1. Are higher CO2 levels normally found in the atmosphere during warmer periods? Yes. There have been many such periods, some with much higher CO2 levels than at present.

2. However...the increase in CO2 follows the onset of a warmer period by approximately an 800-year lag. The planet gets warmer first, the CO2 level increases later...apparently as a result OF the warmer environment.

3. The reasons for that are uncertain, but what causes the production of CO2 in nature? Well, you get CO2 from animal emissions, decaying vegetation, volcanoes, forest fires, etc...basically it is combustion in one form or another which produces CO2. The oceans also give off large amounts of CO2 through evaporation.

4. Why would more CO2 in the atmosphere follow a warmer climate phase by a lag of several hundred years? Perhaps because a warmer climate phase produces a lot more vegetation, a lot more animal and human life, a lot more forest fires, and a lot more evaporation from the world's oceans...all of which will cause an increase in CO2. And plants love they will consume it and thrive.

Yes, we all go to the scientific evidence. ;-) But here's how it works. People simply look up the evidence from the specific scientists or spokesmen they agree with, and that's what they quote. That's what I just did. That's what you who believe the present popular GW theory also did. You went to one set of authorities. I went to another. We both looked for scientific opinions, and we picked the ones that we thought were the best.

One of us is probably right. ;-) And the other is wrong.

And there are plenty of scientists on BOTH sides of this CO2 issue. We all have scientists who support our particular view. They all seem to agree that global warming is indeed occurring. They don't all agree about the CO2 factor and how it works, however, and that is what I am talking about here.

I am NOT saying there is no global warming occurring. Got that? Print it out, and stick it on your monitor so you don't forget that I am NOT saying there is no global warming occurring.

I just don't think WE are causing it, that's all.