The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127728   Message #2853546
Posted By: Bill D
01-Mar-10 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Subject: RE: BS: State Sovereignty Resolutions
Those who argue for a broad definition of *state's rights*, and want to be able to opt out of 'oppressive' federal regulations need to be VERY sure what they are asking for.
Part of the deal in accepting the good parts of a UNITED bunch of states is understanding that there MUST be basic uniformity in certain rules and practices.
In this day & age, people move, travel and work in complex ways. Just how different DO they want things if they have to go from Alabama to Oregon...or vice-versa?
It's already complicated enough that in places, one can drive across a bridge and buy alcohol they can't buy at home....or get an abortion...or buy a gun.

Some of these folks think the 48---or 50--- separate little countries would be just dandy, until there's a disaster or invasion, and they aren't sure who to call for help.

It is a really hard balancing act to have major rules set in a central location, yet still allow regional diversity for some things.....but it just may be worth the effort.