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Thread #127771   Message #2853597
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
01-Mar-10 - 07:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: BS: 'Firefighters for 9/11 Truth' Press Conference
Why weren't guidelines followed? Why was so much of the evidence destroyed almost straight away?

These people are now demanding answers....

To start with the final segment, where one of the Firefighters speaks out, then going on through the other 5 segments of some amazing evidence and questions from highly intelligent people who are demanding an Investigation now takes place which follows the *correct* guidelines.

1,000 Architects and Engineers Press Conference - Youtube - Part 6 - The Firefighter Speaks Out

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Firefighters for 9/11 Truth - Website

And taken from the Firefighters site:

>>>An Appeal to Firefighters, Present and Past from a retired FDNY Lieutenant

"Fellow Firefighters, A great tragedy befell our community on September 11, 2001, an unprecedented 343 deaths in the line of duty. As horrible as that toll is, if there were a rational explanation for it, we could accept it and mourn. We all understood the risk we accepted when we took the oath of office, that chance might cut short our lives when we placed ourselves in harm's way in the public's service. This is what we are paid for and it is our honor. However, in short, the official explanation of the events of that day are not only insufficient, they are fantastic and cannot bear rational examination. We are asked to believe that on that day three structural steel buildings, which have never before in history collapsed because of fire, fell neatly into their basements at the speed of gravity, their concrete reduced to dust. We are asked to believe that jet fuel (kerosene) can melt steel. We are asked to believe that the most sophisticated air defense system in the world, that responded to sixty-eight emergencies in the year prior to 9-11 in less than twenty minutes allowed aircraft to wander about for up to an hour and a half. We are asked to believe that the steel and titanium components of an aircraft that supposedly hit the Pentagon "evaporated". There is much, much more if anyone cares to look into it. Trade Tower #7 by itself is the "smoking gun". Not hit by an aircraft, with only a few relatively small fires, it came down in a classic crimp and implosion, going straight into its basement, something only very precise demolition can accomplish, which takes days if not weeks to prepare. The 9-11 Commission didn't even mention it, and F.E.M.A. actually stated they DIDN'T KNOW WHY IT COLLAPSED AND LEFT IT AT THAT. Brothers, I know that the implications of the above are hard, almost unthinkable, but the official explanation is utter nonsense, and three hundred and forty three murdered brothers are crying out for justice. Demand a genuine investigation into the events of September 11!"

-Anton Vodvarka, Lt. FDNY (ret)

Lt. Vodvarka served on FDNY Ladder Co 26, Rescue Co. 3, Rescue Co. 1, Engine Co. 92, Ladder 82 and Ladder 101. He was awarded the Merit Class 1 award, the Prentice Medal.<<<

So why DID Tower 7 fall down in exactly the same way as the other two, when it wasn't hit by a plane?

So many questions that have not been answered...

(taken from the first link above:
"...and 343 of our murdered brothers are crying out for justice!"

343 Firefighters lost in minutes, thousands of innocent people..and the bastards have served up one of the most breathtakingly incompetent investigations ever known to the Firefighters of New York.