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Thread #127771   Message #2853830
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Mar-10 - 04:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses - Youtube

So, Spaw, are you asking me to believe the politicians? Are you asking me to believe the George Bush Administration? Are you asking me to believe the Corporate Bastards?

The 'official' investigation was just that, an 'official' one. It was one, so it would seem that was a complete cock-up and cover up.

WHY, in this, of ALL disasters, would ANY evidence...***ANY*** evidence be removed before it had all been carefully investigated, let alone DESTROYED???   Geez, this investigation should STILL be going ON, even after all this time, in an effort to ensure that NO stone has been left unturned, that NOTHING has been overlooked.

Why were the bin Laden family allowed to leave the country before any announcements were made? The very family that Bush Snr was so chummy with were allowed to leave by Bush Jnr.   How did they know the bin Laden's were even involved?

The death of the babysitter of Marvin Bush's family, the death's of so many of the others in that video there? Yes, people die, all the time, that's what we do, as a species, but so many 'suicides'? So many mysterious deaths? The woman who, just a few days before was found hanging from a tree, publicly stated that she had no thoughts of suicide whatsoever, just to set the record straight, in case she was found to have 'apparently done exactly that' prior to giving evidence in court?

I mean???????

The Enron scandal suddenly disappeared into oblivion pretty much....and wasn't there a guy who'd just taken out new insurance on one of the buildings?

What I DO know though, is that we are living in an age of corruption, the likes of which has never been known before, on such a worldwide scale...and 9 years down the line, questions still remain unanswered and the whole world is falling apart because of the Evil Bastards who've stitched this world up so tight!

At the time of 9/11 did you EVER envisage banks losing hundreds of billions of pounds/dollars, being bailed out by a public who are so unquestioning that they don't even take to the streets when these bastards STILL give themselves billions of pounds/dollars in bonuses????

I don't believe that 9/11 has been investigated correctly, and the very fact that so many hugely intelligent people have come together, nationwide, indeed, worldwide, to ask questions, on the same day, in order to create maximum publicity, means that there is a huge unease about the whole thing.

They have NOTHING to gain from this, nothing, other than answers!

I really do believe that Evil has crept right in and smothered this world in the last 2/3 generations, and it's happened because the Good Men and True have become so stressed out, so run down, so weighed down with trying to pay their bills, keep their jobs, pass their exams, be consumers, whatever has been 'worked out' for them...that there is little strength left, en masse, for people to take to the streets.

These people are trying to do just that, in their own way, to raise public awareness, to raise public anger, to get people to SEE and to get people to QUESTION!

Here, again, (from my first post) is one of the people that I choose to follow...because he has NO agenda, other than finding The Truth.

"....However, in short, the official explanation of the events of that day are not only insufficient, they are fantastic and cannot bear rational examination. We are asked to believe that on that day three structural steel buildings, which have never before in history collapsed because of fire, fell neatly into their basements at the speed of gravity, their concrete reduced to dust. We are asked to believe that jet fuel (kerosene) can melt steel. We are asked to believe that the most sophisticated air defense system in the world, that responded to sixty-eight emergencies in the year prior to 9-11 in less than twenty minutes allowed aircraft to wander about for up to an hour and a half. We are asked to believe that the steel and titanium components of an aircraft that supposedly hit the Pentagon "evaporated". There is much, much more if anyone cares to look into it. Trade Tower #7 by itself is the "smoking gun". Not hit by an aircraft, with only a few relatively small fires, it came down in a classic crimp and implosion, going straight into its basement, something only very precise demolition can accomplish, which takes days if not weeks to prepare. The 9-11 Commission didn't even mention it, and F.E.M.A. actually stated they DIDN'T KNOW WHY IT COLLAPSED AND LEFT IT AT THAT.

Brothers, I know that the implications of the above are hard, almost unthinkable, but the official explanation is utter nonsense, and three hundred and forty three murdered brothers are crying out for justice. Demand a genuine investigation into the events of September 11!" -Anton Vodvarka, Lt. FDNY (ret)