The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2854271
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Mar-10 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
(I don't know why I bother!!)

GfS, you are LYING again!

I have never, at any time, said that I am opposed to a homosexual, male or female, going to a qualified psychotherapist or psychological counselor for any reason whatsoever, including wishing to alter their sexual orientation--if that's what they want to do and feel that it will help them.

That is the choice of any free citizen. And if you will note, freedom of choice has been my thesis all along. It is YOU who insists that same-sex oriented people must seek counseling for their "condition."

And I have no problem with folks who are oriented toward their own gender, nor am I offended by them. It is YOU who have expressed deeply personal negative feelings toward homosexuals and have indicated that you are offended by their "lifestyle"—to the extent that you would try to force them to seek counseling.

And no, you are not holding out any kind of olive branch. YOU are the one whom I find offensive because of your constant lying and generally misrepresenting what I have posted.

Frankly, GfS, judging from what YOU have posted—and which you now deny and try to blame on others, me in particular (the message in question came from YOUR computer, not mine)—I tend to suspect that you would rather climb the vertical face of El Capitan and swan-dive off the top rather than admit to yourself that you are gayer than a night in Rio during Carnival, but you haven't got the guts to face the possibility.

Which accounts for you obsessive homophobia.

Have a nice day!

Don Firth