The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127797   Message #2854839
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
03-Mar-10 - 07:31 AM
Thread Name: Back ground Music, WHY?
Subject: RE: Back ground Music, WHY?
All of the above, plus the fact that they go out of the way to destroy our hearing by turning the volume up to twelve when the ad breaks arrive, and compound that assault by running the loudest ad in the universe first. You have to be hair trigger fast on the mute button if, like me, your set is too old to have a normalise facility.

CS, I think your problem may be easy to solve, at least as far as BBC 1 & 2, ITV 1, and Channel 4 are concerned, providing your set has teletext. There is a page number which inserts subtitles to most popular programs.

From memory, I believe it was page 888

Don T.