The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127811   Message #2855082
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
03-Mar-10 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Obit: Michael Mackintosh Foot
Subject: RE: Obit: Michael Mackintosh Foot
Michael Foot looked often looked unwell Lizzie, and always had a somewhat ramshackle, gait. But once he came to the rostrum he was fully co-ordinated and fully in control - not only politically forceful but also witty, charming and stylish.

He is the last in a family of outstanding achievers, having outlived his brothers Dingle, John (Lord Foot) and Hugh (Lord Caradon) and Hugh's son, the campaigning journalist Paul. His majesterial biography of Aneurin Bevan and "Guilty Men" - his indictment of those who sought to appease Hitler in the years preceding WW2 - will be lasting testaments to his writing and journalism.

Some friends feared he would switch off from politics and lose his zest for life after his wife Jill Craigie died some years ago, but he remained actively engaged until close to the end. Often maligned by the press and by fellow politicians, he bore no grudges. And by his own account, he had a good innings.