The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127616   Message #2855838
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
04-Mar-10 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should you alienate Fascists?
Subject: RE: BS: Should you alienate Fascists?
""But not if the poor fascist is just sitting there not bothering anyone just enjoying and sharing music. Out doing the fascists at their game you are.""

Let's see if it is possible to drive an idea into that lump of bone between your ears, preferrably without having to apply it with a shotgun.

The BNP are trying to take over the music, morris and country dance, and the significant dates such as St George's day, in an attempt to persuade the public that they are an acceptable political alternative for voters who want a return to "British Values".

This image they are trying to project could not be further from their real agenda, which is the establishment of a Britain which will be more racist than South Africa in the apartheid days.

In short, a Nazi regime.

Your ideals of tolerance play perfectly into that agenda.

You're not by any chance a descendant of Neville Chamberlain?.......

Don T.