The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127848   Message #2855911
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Mar-10 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Has traditional wanking had its day?
Subject: BS: Has traditional wanking had its day?
With the recent proliferation of electronic, programmable handheld devices of all kinds and technology's perifidious invasion of every area in human life, it appears to me that traditional "hands-on" wanking, like the Clawhammer Dulcimer, is becoming a dying art.

I blame people like Madonna for this having happened. In their relentless search for commercial success, they have cheapened the very fiber of what was once a great arts culture, and turned it into a barrage of ephemeral, meaningless sensationalism.

Traditional wankers everywhere must be feeling quite alone and insecure at watching the old ways fade into obscurity.

Anyone else have any illuminating thoughts on this?