The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127759 Message #2856070
Posted By: glueman
04-Mar-10 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Are 'What is Folk?' Threads Finished?
Subject: RE: Folklore: Are 'What is Folk?' Threads Finished?
What is folk threads come in many guises, even the traditional No Surrender ones are slicable. There are those who believe the tradition is dead but re-enacted, those who believe there was a break and rediscovery and the ones who think they are continuing the seamless and unceasing tradition of our forebears.
Each of those are further atomised into believers in performance quality and those who think vocal and instrumental viruosity is contrary to the true tradition of The People. Then there's folk venue purists, before we get to idiomatic re-invention by singer songwriters. Most of it is Folkier than Thou, angels on the head of a pin, puritanism dressed as populism stuff but someone's gotta do it.