The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127771   Message #2856199
Posted By: Bill D
04-Mar-10 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
I do not KNOW whether the precise tests you say YOU need have been done. I said 'peers' have reviewed the process. Perhaps their review concluded that some of those tests were not required.... or perhaps not even possible.
(I don't KNOW how possible it was then, or would be now, to test significant portions of debris for 'accelerants'! At time, I'm sure no one thought that 'testing for accelerants' would be require, after watching planes crash into buildings. Maybe all they would find is residues of jet fuel?) I also don't know why you want ME to know whether such tests were done. If they were not done, and you are so sure they should be, you should ask those who are in a position to know or to order such tests...or who could explain whether such tests are possible.
   What I do know is that much research and analysis HAS been done, and that I am reasonably satisfied with coherent, documented answers. I am willing to LOOK at any new research that goes beyond just denying 'official' reports. I cannot personally do such research....

What I, as I have said, do have some training in, is comparing various arguments and rhetoric... and I see many basic flaws in the general construction **OF** the conspiracy theories. That means, even IF they were correct, they are inconsistent and full of bad reasoning.

IT IS NOT MY JOB to 'prove' anything to you.... it is for doubters to find evidence (evidence...not suspicions) to support THEIR ideas - or to find someone who can.