The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127865   Message #2856433
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
04-Mar-10 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: TV thing. idle curiosity
Subject: TV thing. idle curiosity
Here's link to a popular video. over 9 million views:


Before we go any further, I want to offer two caveats.

1. The video involves yodeling. No doubt 2-3 guys who suffer yodel envy will enter this thread simply to sneer. The best thing to do is to ignore them, unless you can think of something really cutting to say which will have them grinding their teeth in the small hours of the night.

2. I will mention that I don't watch TV. I am not sneering at anybody who watches TV. There is no need for anybody to post a splenetic denunciation of me. I don't watch TV because of vision problems, that is all.

Okay. Now you've seen the video. We observe the plummy judge sneering at Taylor. ("Why? WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" blah blah blah)
Then she captures the crowd, takes control of the stage, thrills the other judges. Even the cleaned-up biker loves her. The plummy judge realizes he better change attitude fast if he wants to get out of there alive.

So one reason that this has been watched 9,000,000 times is the sheer joy of seeing the 11-year-old best the toff. The rest is how adorable she is.

The idle question is: at 45 seconds, Judge 3 falls sideways off his chair. Why? WHY