The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127858 Message #2856683
Posted By: SINSULL
05-Mar-10 - 08:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Soon to become self employed any advice?
Subject: RE: BS: Soon to become self employed any advice?
Working from home, Skipy? One of the hardest parts of it is self discipline. Arise at the same time every day. Shower and dress as if going to an office. DO NOT ALLOW FRIENDS TO INTERFERE IN YOUR WORK TIME. Some will think you are available for coffee or a chat. Plan your day with breaks and lunch and stick to it. It is not for everyone and can get lonely. That lunch can be at a local restaurant with a friend or maybe a business lunch - you can write them off. Simple business diary/folders are available to help you keep track of expenses. Invest in a good one and use it or hire an accounting service.