The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127858 Message #2856804
Posted By: Mr Red
05-Mar-10 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Soon to become self employed any advice?
Subject: RE: BS: Soon to become self employed any advice?
The only problem working for yourself is you dun gotta get along with yer boss. How do you like yerself? Dress optional?
Seriously, have you investigated umbrella organisations? They handle the IR53 (or whatever they call it now) and you can claim petrol money for the journey to work for 2 years or 2 years per location if you change the location or work for more than one company. They needs post codes! There are theoretically other things you could claim for but in my experience it doesn't wash with the Inland Revenue so the Umbrella Guys have given-up the fight on most things expenses, for non MP's anyway.