Boy, Melissa, I've looked and looked. Here's what I found from the Girl Scouts themselves:So, it appears to me that the first Girl Scout Song Book was 1925, and the first Sing Together was 1938.
Musical Heritage
The love of music started with founder Juliette Gordon Low, who used the Kent County Song Book, which contained folk songs from the British Isles. As Girl Scouting grew in the U.S., there was need for a songbook that reflected American life.
The first songbook published by the Girl Scouts, Girl Scout Song Book, was in 1925 and is a collection of tunes recommended by the girls themselves. "Singing," the foreword began, "is one of the most important expressions of good fellowship." The Girl Scout Song Book was considered very progressive for its time. It featured Negro spirituals and songs about cowboys, patriotism, sea shanties, religion, and included songs from all over Europe.
In the 1930s, Janet "Toby" Tobitt joined the Girl Scouts and played a key role in shaping the organization's musical history. First a camp counselor and later a music consultant for GSUSA, Toby brought her musicianship and passion for collecting folk songs to Girl Scouts. She designed her Sing Together songbook of 1936 to provide material for Scouts' Own ceremonies and other occasions, believing in the power of music to bring everyone together.