The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2857384
Posted By: Royston
06-Mar-10 - 04:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Keith, you nasty little man, you just can't stop telling lies can you?

Gonorrhea: "The best survey we have found says MSMs are about 3%.

Well, according to the OFFICIAL DATA (take your imaginary survey and shove it, don't even bother to try to justify it)

There were 16,929 diagnoses of gonorrhea in the UK population in 2008.
There were a further 8,578 suspected cases that were treated as such to be on the safe side or as a matter of post-exposure or post suspected exposure prophylaxis.

So worst case = 25,507 cases in all.

Of those, 4,777 were MSM's.

So that gives us - using the total guideline number of 1,989,500 MSM's in the population - a prevalence of ARE YOU READY FOR THIS


3% you say! 3%! You lying bugger!

Now to your 8.5% HIV prevalence among 15-44 y/o MSM's. The rest of the sentence from from the HPA report says:

" The prevalence of HIV (both diagnosed and undiagnosed infections) among MSM aged 15-44 was estimated to be 8.5% (range 7.0-10.5%) within London"

In the interest of total honesty, it concludes:

"...3.7% (range 3.1-4.5%) elsewhere in England and Wales and 5.3% (range 4.7-6.1%)overall."

So screw me if you weren't lying yet again. I trusted you on that, I didn't imagine even you would twist a lie out of a simple document like that. You just can't be trusted on anything can you?

So put all that together and you get a figure of 4.7% to 6.1% MSM HIV prevalence in the sexually active age groups which is kind of in the ballpark of the 4% figure that we were all thought was basically realistic - until your prejudices got in the way of whatever common sense you have.

So, that is the 8.5% demolished. I take back my comment that it was "the only true fact you found"

And yes, therefore, you were in fact all lies and hyperbole directed at advancing your prejudices.

And when you get busted for lying and twisting don't you fucking dare to tell me or anyone else that takes you to the cleaners for it:

"None of your frenzied statisticking changes that."

Because you are always claiming that statistics - your statistics - are all that is important, and that people should listen to nothing else. Statistics are the truth, the truth shall set you free - isn't that what you believe and preach?

You excuse all your support of outright bigots by telling us that all you care about is statistical truth.

Keith: "So, it is not ignorant, billious, lying, hyperbole at all, is it Royston.
But your reply was."

Yes, Keith you were ignorant and/or lying and bilious and hyperbolic.

Whereas my reply was ruthlessly accurate and intelligent.

My reply was angry, it was bilious and it displays an enormous prejudice - against you! For very good reason!