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Thread #127771   Message #2857746
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-Mar-10 - 02:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
Subject: RE: BS: Firefighters for 9/11 Truth: Press Conference
"Yes, we are indeed, Lizzie. I have seen with my own eyes the accomplishment of much of what is in George Orwell's novel "1984" during my own lifetime."

Oh, Cripes!!!! YES!!!!

I've been banging on about that for so many years, Little Hawk!

The BBC told me to stop talking about social issues because it was upsetting people...and then they told me they'd take steps to deal with the Witch Hunt against me (their term) they banned ME!????

It's something that won't go 'away' in my head, because no-one at the BBC would talk to me...apart from a really nice lady, who was head of their Customer Services Dept. She said she'd go off and investigate it all because she could see from the board that something very wrong was going on. She told me she'd come back to me in a week or so. She didn't come back, so I went to her. She sounded so embarraseed when she told me that she wasn't allowed to discuss *anything* with me at all anymore...and that this had come from higher up. I tried so hard to get her to talk to me, but she kept repeating that she wasn't allowed to. I told her she'd given in....and she said..."Lizzie, I'm *so* sorry"

WHY did the BBC do that? Why was I literally 'forbidden' to talk, on a public messageboard, about what was happeing 'out here' in the big wide world? It released an anger inside me that won't go away, even to this day..and I see that same Corporate Silencing going on all around me...just as I see people who've given in, like that lady did...preferring to toe the company line and keep their lives 'easy'

So many people have sold their souls to those who are far worse than the Devil could ever hope to be.