The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127858   Message #2857849
Posted By: akenaton
06-Mar-10 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Soon to become self employed any advice?
Subject: RE: BS: Soon to become self employed any advice?
Most important thing after a good accountant, is don't think you are going to make any money!

Anything you do make, through your hard work or jiggery pokery will be swiftly removed by HM Revenue and Customs.

Dont register for VAT ......avoid that like the plague!

Be prepared to work weekends and holidays.....not for the money, but just to get your customers/clients off your back.

Keep a photo of your wife and family handy, so you can remember what they look like!

After a while its not so bad....just like a great big treadmill really......keeps ya fit.

Cheers Ake.......(S/E over 40 yrs)