The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127899 Message #2858016
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Mar-10 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: Remember the Alamo (March 6, 1836)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember the Alamo
I think you're right about that, Art. Indians, unfortunately, were in a very bad spot in Mexico. So it was illegal to buy and sell Black people in Mexico, but they had a different code when it came to Indians. There was a bounty paid for Indian scalpa. There was pretty much continuous war going on between the Mexicans and the Indian tribes you mentioned, and no quarter was given on either side.
The Apaches just hated the Mexicans....and the Mexicans felt the same way toward them. Both sides accused the other of committing atrocities...both sides were quite correct in leveling such accusations...but it would be damned hard to determine who started it all in the first place.