The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127899 Message #2858021
Posted By: ichMael
06-Mar-10 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: Remember the Alamo (March 6, 1836)
Subject: RE: BS: Remember the Alamo
Well, I'm not arguing...didn't even see who's name was attached to that statement.
It gets tedious when modern day revisionists say Santa Ana was motivated by a desire to help black slaves. He wasn't a humanitarian. He was a lunatic and a bad strategist. And if a peon had walked up to Santa Ana and said, "I'm not your slave!" well, that would have been one less peon in the world. The legal or written definition of slavery is...nothing. In reality, Mexicans are still slaves. Chase Manhattan owns the country.
And the battle against the banksters still goes on in our state. Suffered a bitter, bitter loss the other day. Woman with a MEXICAN name was robbed of the governorship. Here's my post-election analysis:
Sad, sad day for this state. We could have financially independent under her (we have the 8th largest economy in the world), but now it looks like we'll be dragged through the muck with the rest of the states.